Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Secret power to menstrual blood

Lifestyle  |  Amy Gan

Right now, menstrual blood—the yields from that time of the month—may be causing you, and others around you, anguish and resentment. A pain with no gain.

What if I told you lives could be saved with that blood? That this superfluous thing you throw far away could actually be of critical use?

Recent studies show that menstrual blood contains self-renewing stem cells, similar in properties to bone marrow and embryonic stem cells. These cells multiply and differentiate into different cell types (such as neural, cardiac and bone) which are used in transplants.

These studies only reveal a glimpse of what is yet to come; there’s a great promise for the future of clinical regenerative medicinal therapies. Unlike the stem cells used now, menstrual stem cells would be collected in a non-intrusive, ethical, painless and affordable manner.

There are already institutions which are anticipating this new technology, such as Cryo Cell. This company is based in New York and has already started collecting menstrual blood to be stored for future use.

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