Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New Year, New Name!

We are officially back! 

Champlain College's official students' newspaper is back for 2016-2017 under a new name, The Blue Ink. The Blue Ink is looking for writers of any experience! Please contact Jérémie Gaudet or Magalie Masson via MIO if you want to sign up. Looking forward to meeting you.

Here are a few questions you may have concerning The Blue Ink to which answers are provided. Feel free to MIO Jérémie or Magalie should you have any other concerns.

What is The Blue Ink?

The Blue Ink is Champlain College students’ official newspaper. It includes news written in French and English from our campus and from the external community, covering a wide array of topics. The Blue Ink acts as a space for expression and knowledge for all students as its team seeks to further engage youth in current affairs.

When and where is it published?

The Blue Ink comprises two major platforms of publication. The first takes the form of an online blog, which can be found at the web page http://theblueinkchamplain.blogspot.ca. Articles will be posted regularly on this website as soon as they have been revised and edited. The second medium of The Blue Ink will be a printed version to be published twice per semester that will include all previously written articles. For the Fall semester 2016, the two issues should be available on October 5th and November 25th.

What can I write that can be published in The Blue Ink?

To make it short – anything! The Blue Ink is open to any kind of articles, but focuses mainly on the following categories: science, sports (including Champlain’s Cavaliers coverage), arts & culture, political & economical news and Champlain internal affairs.

Who can contribute to The Blue Ink?

The newspaper is open to writers of any experience to write in either French or English. The Blue Ink also needs infographics specialized students.

How can I sign up?

Should you be interested in joining The Blue Ink, feel free to send a MIO to either Jérémie Gaudet or Magalie Masson, editors of the 2016-2017’s edition of The Blue Ink.